About changes to registration details
- [Expo ID]Can I change my ExpoID?
- [Expo ID Registration] I am unable to complete the update on the Expo ID profile entry screen.
- [Expo ID]I cannot change my password.
- [Expo ID] I want to change my password.
- [Expo ID] I selected to not recieve emails in my Expo ID settings, but I still receive emails.
- [Expo ID] I want to change the language of my Expo ID email.
- [Expo ID] I changed my email address but it is not reflected.
- [Expo ID] I want to change the display language of the Expo ID menu.
- [Expo ID] I did not receive an email that my Expo ID profile update was completed.
- [Expo ID] I want to change my Expo ID profile (if I am under 16).
- [Expo ID] Can I change my date of birth in my Expo ID profile?
- [Expo ID] I am unable to update my Expo ID profile.
- [Expo ID] I want to change my email address.
- [Expo ID] I want to change my Expo ID profile.
- [Expo ID] I want to change my Expo ID registration details.
- [Expo ID] The email address I used to register my Expo ID has changed, but I forgot my password and can no longer change my registered email address.
- [Expo ID Registration] I want to unsubscribe from the email.