You can purchase admission tickets even if the credit card you are using is not registered with the personal authentication service "3D Secure" or is not eligible for 3D Secure. However, to ensure safe shopping, we recommend using 3D Secure.
■Registration procedure
(1) Check the credit card brand logo at the bottom right of the card you are using.
(2) Look at the "List of Member Store Card Issuers" for each credit card brand and check whether the company issuing your credit card supports 3D Secure. *You can check the list of member store card issuers from "Security" on the credit card issuer's website.
(3) Register for 3D Secure from the credit card issuer's website and obtain a password.
■Registration procedure
(1) Check the credit card brand logo at the bottom right of the card you are using.
(2) Look at the "List of Member Store Card Issuers" for each credit card brand and check whether the company issuing your credit card supports 3D Secure. *You can check the list of member store card issuers from "Security" on the credit card issuer's website.
(3) Register for 3D Secure from the credit card issuer's website and obtain a password.